The Daily Message

Begin to simplify your life!


A recent report says, we can have it all. By working longer, playing harder and multitasking. It’s possible to squeeze 31 hours into 24. But it’ll cost you! The average office interruptions. One in three managers gets sick because of information overload. If technology is saving us all this time and energy, how come we’re so frazzled? When the checkout line doesn’t move fast enough or we can’t find a parking space, we have a meltdown. Madison Avenue and Wall Street won’t tell you this but success brings more opportunities for the enemy to run you into the ground. That’s no way to live and it certainty isn’t what God intended for you.

Jesus said. Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me…recover your life. Ill show you how…work with me watch how I do it…learn to live freely and lightly. Sounds good, doesn’t it but it calls for detoxing your thinking and reprogramming it. One author writes: the Lord cannot relieve the pressure, while you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing with the wrong people. If you climb the corporate ladder and neglect your family, His hands are tied because your priorities are out of order. When you're in God’s will you can work hard, but travel light! He’ll carry your burdens and take the weight. Simplifying your life may mean working fewer hours, scheduling downtime and investing more into your loved ones. Our gifts, assignments, personalities and situations are all different, but these principles hold true for everyone. So begin to simplify your life!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Jer 36:27 -40:16 Luke 6:17-26, Ps 79, Pr 15:18-21

Who are you? 1:


The likelihood of anyone else in history having the same genetic make-up as you is zero. You’re not just another brick in the wall or another nail in the carpenter’s toolbox. God’s personality formed and made you, (Isaiah 43:7 TM).you’re the only He created, so if you feel to be who you are His kingdom wont benefit from your unique contribution. You’re not your parents (which is good news for some of us!) or yourself on. Its okay to learn from others but always be what God called you to be. The Bible says: don’t compare yourself…take responsibility for doing the…best you can with your…life, (Galatians 6:4-5 TM).

The question is: who are you? Before you answer it, you must ask yourself this: what are my strengths? Do you enjoy working with computers or cars or animals? Maybe you’re an adept people-manager or you like fixing things or you’re good with finances. Paul says, God…has made us what we are, (Eph 2:10 TLB). Are there certain jobs that come easily to you and you wonder why others can’t do them? If so, that says something about your particular strengths and you God-given assignment in life. God said of Bezalel the builder, I have filled him with…wisdom…He is skilled in engraving…mounting gemstone…carving wood, (Exodus 31:3-5 NLT). Once you’ve identified what makes your eyes sparkle and your pulse race go for it! Fix your eyes on what lies before you…don’t get sidetracked, (Proverbs 4:25-27 NLT).

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Jer 41-44, Luke 6:27-36, Ps 109:1-15, Pr 15:22

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